Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thank you to families!

We've been getting some really wonderful feedback from our families since Harriet Bishop opened its doors as a gifted and talented magnet school.  There's something to be said about a kindergartener who comes home and is excited to do and show what was learned in school that day.  I even heard from a family whose son has become much more engaged in school now that he has more individualized instruction.  Now, these situations should not be reserved for the "gifted" student; rather, these experiences, I hope, are being felt by many families of many students.  I appreciate all the information and questions I've been receiving from parents - like our students, we staff need to be informed on what is working and what needs to be tweaked.  Conferences are coming up, and this will be a perfect time to sit down with Harriet Bishop staff and discuss the next step in your child's/children's education! 

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